오!스카이라인의 운명이여!! > 자유 게시판 259

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오!스카이라인의 운명이여!!

페이지 정보

작성자 이해원 이름으로 검색 조회 4,501회 작성일 01-09-26 12:56


오!스카이라인의 운명이여!!
date of the attack; 9/11=  9+1+1= 11
september 11 th is the 254th day of the year; 2+5+4= 11
after september 11 th there are  111 day left  to the end of the year.
twin towers- standing  side by side , looks like  the number  11.
the first plane to hit the towers was flight 11.
state of new york- the 11th state added to the union.
new york city-11 letters.
the pentagon-11 letters.
afghanistan- 11 letters.
ramzi yousef- 11 letters(convicted or orchestrating the attack on the WTC in 1993.
fright 11 -> 92 on board -9+2=11
fright 77-> 65 on board  -6+5 = 11.
last but not the least , GEORGE W BUSH - 11 letters.
Ragotham Reddy

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자유 게시판
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